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{ Monthly Archives } November 2010

Battle for the Streetcar: A Marathon, not a Sprint

Some people apparently can’t take “no” for an answer. Having seen his pet cause, Issue 9, soundly defeated at the polls last year, local NAACP honcho Chris Smitherman is at it again: The Cincinnati streetcar, the controversial $128 million plan that has traveled a bumpy path from the start, faces more potential rocky spots in […]

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Want Better Public Safety? Then Build the Streetcar

Remember that time Metro Cincinnati exploited the death of a teenager in a horrific car accident to illustrate the need for fewer highways and better public transit? Oh right, you don’t remember that, because it never happened. That hasn’t stopped the usual suspects from exploiting a recent fire in Northside and looming police layoffs to […]

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Young Americans Less Interested in Driving

We often discuss the benefits that come along with building quality mass transit: economic development, increased mobility, less time stuck in traffic, and better public health.  But a recent MSNBC article illustrates one of the biggest reasons we should be building rail: making sure our city is a place where the next generation wants to live. […]

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“Cincinnati’s Incomplete Subway: A Complete History” Now Available

For the past year, Jake Mecklenborg — the owner of and a contributor to — has been poring over long-lost documents in the public library in order to tell the untold story of Cincinnati’s infamous abandoned subway system. Now, the fruits of his efforts are finally available for purchase. Here’s the description from […]

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Portland Lets Cincinnati Borrow their Streetcar for a Weekend

Need some cheering up after this week’s election results? I thought so. Then head to 5th and Walnut tomorrow at 1 PM, where Mayor Mallory will officially introduce Cincinnati to a real live modern streetcar, shipped here from Portland specifically for the occasion. The streetcar will be on public display through Wednesday afternoon. Here is […]

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If You Don’t Vote Today, Don’t Complain Tomorrow

I know I’m probably preaching to the choir, but it’s worth saying anyway: If you haven’t done so already, get out there and vote. This election features a number of races that are crucial for our long-term viability as a region, particularly in regards to mass transit. For Hamilton County Commission, we have Jim Tarbell, […]

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