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{ Tag Archives } Cincinnati Enquirer

The Enquirer Throws COAST Under the Streetcar

The Enquirer’s coverage of the streetcar has been spotty at best, and I’ve called them out plenty of times when their “news” coverage about the streetcar has veered into territory that should be confined to the editorial page. That said, it’s only fair to give the Enquirer props when they get it right. In today’s […]

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Want Better Public Safety? Then Build the Streetcar

Remember that time Metro Cincinnati exploited the death of a teenager in a horrific car accident to illustrate the need for fewer highways and better public transit? Oh right, you don’t remember that, because it never happened. That hasn’t stopped the usual suspects from exploiting a recent fire in Northside and looming police layoffs to […]

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Friday News Roundup: Death by a Thousand Cuts, and Rat Man

Happy Friday the 13th! The Friday News Roundup is the first of a weekly series featuring a few of the top transit, rail, and infrastructure-related news stories of the week. Be sure to follow @MetroCincy on Twitter to receive links to transit-related news articles and blog posts throughout the week. The Cincinnati Enquirer, after throwing everything […]

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Eastern Corridor Dispute Highlights Need for Cooperation on Transit Issues

The Cincinnati Enquirer has been covering a divide between Cincinnati and Hamilton County positions on the Eastern Corridor project.  The Enquirer article headlined, “City, suburbs feud over rail” provided only cursory coverage to an issue that reaffirms the need for coordinated transit planning in the Cincinnati region. The Eastern Corridor project, a project over a decade […]

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Cincinnati Enquirer: COAST’s Anti-Rail Charter Amendment is a “Poison Pill”

Many of us who support the proposed Cincinnati Streetcar have repeatedly shaken our heads in dismay over the Enquirer’s often one-sided and sloppy coverage of the issue. The Enquirer panders to a mostly-suburban audience, and ads from car dealerships constitute a huge percentage of their ever-shrinking revenue stream, so it’s no surprise that they’ve come […]

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