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{ Monthly Archives } October 2011

The Enquirer Throws COAST Under the Streetcar

The Enquirer’s coverage of the streetcar has been spotty at best, and I’ve called them out plenty of times when their “news” coverage about the streetcar has veered into territory that should be confined to the editorial page. That said, it’s only fair to give the Enquirer props when they get it right. In today’s […]

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COAST Charged with Making False Statements to Influence Issue 48 Vote

And in Ohio, that’s a crime that can be punished with up to six months in prison and/or a $5000 fine. Here’s the press release from Cincinnatians for Progress: October 28, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE In an action filed today with the Ohio Elections Commission, Cincinnatians for Progress formally charged COAST with knowingly making false […]

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Metro Cincinnati to be Featured During ArchiNATI’s Visual Delight Presentation

If you follow goings-on in Cincinnati, then by now you should be aware of the first annual ArchiNATI festival, a week-long celebration of Cincinnati’s built environment. ArchiNATI is the brainchild of the Young Architects and Interns Forum (YAIF), a committee of the Cincinnati Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. (Full disclosure: yours truly is […]

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