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{ Monthly Archives } September 2010

Back to School

This is a quick update to let you know that after many months of anticipation, I’ve finally begun my Master of Architecture degree at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. I’m currently enrolled in 16 credit hours, and as such, I probably won’t have time to update the Metro Cincinnati […]

Transit 101: Intercity Rail and High-Speed Rail

Transit 101 is an occasional series that will focus on the history and technology of modern-day public transit systems. The current topic is a primer on the various modes of rail transit. Part I: Streetcars and Interurbans Part II: Heavy Rail and Light Rail Part III: Commuter Rail Part IV: Intercity Rail and High-Speed Rail Previous […]

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It’s Official: Streetcar will use Vine Street

With construction of the Cincinnati Streetcar now a near-certainty, debate had shifted to which route the streetcar would take between Over-the-Rhine and Uptown. The two routes in consideration were Vine Street and Clifton Avenue, each of which has its pros and cons. On Tuesday, the City Manager released the following statement: I’m writing to make […]

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Gridlock Ensues as Mass Transit is Reduced

Anti-transit group COAST is back up to its usual routine, publishing yet another attack piece on mass transit.  But in their attempt to bash rail, COAST actually proves how necessary public transportation is. Various sources are reporting on a nationwide strike occurring in France, which is disrupting bus, rail, and air travel.  Several labor unions […]

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Transit 101: Commuter Rail

Transit 101 is an occasional series that will focus on the history and technology of modern-day public transit systems. The current topic is a primer on the various modes of rail transit. Part I: Streetcars and Interurbans Part II: Heavy Rail and Light Rail Part III: Commuter Rail Part IV: Intercity Rail and High-Speed Rail The […]

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TransForum Gala Tonight

Cincinnati TransForum, a collaboration between the University of Cincinnati and the Live Well Collaborative, was founded “to start a dialogue about the future of public, multi-modal transportation in Cincinnati, with a main focus of highlighting the advantages of Light Rail in Cincinnati as a means of connecting communities.” Tonight they are hosting a Cincinnati Transportation […]

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