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{ Category Archives } Academic Information

Back to School

This is a quick update to let you know that after many months of anticipation, I’ve finally begun my Master of Architecture degree at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. I’m currently enrolled in 16 credit hours, and as such, I probably won’t have time to update the Metro Cincinnati […]

Final Approval

I’m pleased to announce that my academic committee has given their final approval to the Metro Cincinnati project. As an academic project, is now complete. The question now becomes: Where do we go from here? Now that I’m settled in Cincinnati and preparing to start grad school here in the fall, I’ve been pondering […]

I’m living on the air in Cincinnati…

Just a quick note to let everybody know that this afternoon I was a guest on Travis Estell’s Explore Cincinnati program, where I discussed the Metro Cincinnati project and its connection to existing transit-related developments in the city. Click the link above for information on how to subscribe to the program on iTunes and download […]

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Substantial Completion

Over the past few days, I’ve uploaded pages pertaining to the project background (including a brief history of rail transit in Cincinnati, and case studies of the Washington Metro and Portland Streetcar systems), rolling stock, and some concluding remarks. Links to these pages are on the menu bar to the left. With that, the final […]

Station Architecture Pages Posted

I’ve uploaded the pages describing the Fountain Square transit center, Corryville station, and Highland Heights station. Fountain Square, at the intersection of the Red Line, Orange Line, Gold Line, and Green Line, is the primary transit hub of the Metro Cincinnati system and the gateway to downtown Cincinnati. Corryville was selected as an example of […]

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New Updates Coming Soon

Greetings, all… Although this site has been quiet as of late, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been making progress on the project. For the past few months my primary focus has been on putting together a portfolio for grad school applications, and although the Metro Cincinnati project forms an important part of the portfolio, updating […]

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Changing Gears

Now that the transportation planning component of the project is mostly complete (although I still have a bit of work to do in documenting the process behind choosing the proposed transit routes and station locations), I need to shift the focus of my efforts in two ways. First, from now on I’ll be concentrating more […]

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